Evolving Leadership

Building connection on all relevant levels - Meaningful change requires a commitment to do deep work, starting with the top leadership. By articulating a shared narrative for each level, mobilization can start to take place and translate commitments into action while building trust with all stakeholders along the way.

Diagram representing evolving leadership

Leadership Program

Our leadership program combines various frameworks to help you shift towards an expanded worldview and a more deeply aligned collective narrative through a 6-9 month journey that may include:

- 1:1 and team Coaching
- Embodied exercises
- Nature-based environments
- Generative dialogues
- Organizational constellation work
- Cycles of learning and reflection

Aerial photo of a path in forest
A couple on top of mountain during sunset

We work with organizations
and individuals who are ready to move from:

- Rational to Relational
- Dominant to Partnership
- Hierarchical to Networked
- A Narrow worldview to an Expanding Worldview
- Linear and Binary thinking to Complex Systems thinking
- Compliant to Creative
- Exploitation to Deep Ecology

What we may explore through the process.

Shifting Consciousness

Embrace new era leadership—reshaping the landscape of business and leadership. Develop the skills and mindset to lead in a rapidly changing world while staying rooted in your values.

Complex Ecosystems

Understanding the intricate interplay of the complex living systems within your team and organization through systems thinking and generative dialogue.


Co-creating new narratives that better serve you as a leader, your organization and your impact on society as a whole.

Detail of fireplace

The Journey

A 3 to 6 month Leadership Journey hosted in nature to create space for reconnection.

PHASE I: Common Understanding

4-6 weeks

Coaching with individuals and teams to get a deeper understanding of participants, their challenges and needs.

PHASE III: Narrative Building

4-8 weeks of online workshop

After an exploration of all levels of being from self to planet and reconnecting as a team, leaders can begin crafting a shared narrative in symbiotic relationship with their own personal narratives.

PHASE II: Reconnection Retreat

2-3 day retreat in nature

Building deep trust and connection to guide participants through different systems in their environment for intellectual and embodied learning. Be prepared to connect with your team on a deeper level and for powerful, new insights to emerge.


- Better understanding of Self and your integral role within the organization’s leadership team
- New understanding of your role and responsibilities to society
- Alignment and deeper human connection within the leadership team
- Leadership narrative - personal and collective - to cultivate a new vision through curiosity and connectedness

Photo of a path in forest

Connect with us

If the prospect of authentic leadership, conscious collaboration, and personal evolution resonates with you, reach out to us to explore how our coaching and immersive experiences can support your growth.

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A photo of an owl sitting on a branch
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